Pac-Man (originally Puck-man) is a video game created by Tōru Iwatani for the Japanese company Namco, released in Japan on May 22, 1980. The game consists of moving Pac-Man, a character who, seen from profile, looks like a circular diagram inside a labyrinth, in order to make him eat all the pac-gums which are there while avoiding being touched by ghosts.
When Pac-Man first came out, the most popular arcade video games were shooting games, especially Space Invaders and Asteroids. The most visible minority were sports games which were mostly derived from Pong. Pac-Man succeeded them by creating a new genre. Pac-Man is often credited as a landmark in video game history, and is among the most famous arcade games of all time. It is also one of the highest grossing video games of all time, grossing over $ 2.5 billion in the quarters of the 1990s.
The character has appeared in over 30 officially licensed spin-offs, as well as many unauthorized clones and bootlegs. Pac-Man has the highest brand awareness of any video game character among US consumers, recognized by 94% of them. Pac-Man is one of the longest running video game franchises of the golden age of arcade video games.